I think DH was more excited about me finishing this vest than I was! You may think I am a mild-mannered school teacher that likes to sew, but in reality....
Here is my previous post with the basics of how I got started, and here is my review at PR.
I did the whole entire thing (except for the buttonhole) on Martha, my 1926 White Family Rotary (electric). She handled the layers of leather and wool like a champ, never hesitating or moaning/groaning/buzzing like my Viking when I try to hem denim! I had so much fun on this maiden voyage project with my vintage machine, not just getting used to driving her, but smiling at the irony of making such a modern and trendy garment on an 83 yr old machine! The only trouble I had was as I attached the trim, the grommets were a little tricky to navigate and in hindsight, I should've switched feet. But it's done now, and I absolutely love it. Here I am with more... ahem... appropriate undergarments...
I'm very proud on the inside finishing I did on this, being leather and all. The pattern was really great, nice instructions with quality detail work. For example, the trim was attached before closing the lining so the stitches wouldn't show on the inside. It may seem silly, but too many patterns (especially Simplicity) dumb down the process often and produce a home-sewn product. Not this time, and I'm really glad to see that! Below is the inside of the collar at center back were I had a lot of leather to get through, almost unscathed! There is a little bumpy part where the feed dogs caught, but it was the only place on the whole garment where this happened. I used a regular needle (new 70/15 Shmetz) and a regular foot (no roller foot for the vintage machine), binder clips instead of pins, and the hammer to press the thick seams flat.
I would've done the buttonhole on the vintage machine, but I was too scared to try out the vintage buttonholer. Maybe next time ;)
DH and I had fun doing the photo shoot today. Not many days left like this around here, so afterwards we jumped on the bike and went for a quick ride to dinner. I really enjoy the opportunities we get to ride, all the fresh air and it being just the two of us (for once). Hope the last days of fall are finding you equally happy in your sewing spaces!
I love it - especially the back - and great job on the fit!!
FABULOUS!! You are one smokin' biker chick!
OMG You ARE a rock star! I am definitely having this pattern. I love every version I see.
Fantastic job! I love the vest, and such great work! Awesome!
Fabulous and very unique! Love it.
Ya learn somethin' new every day. Kristine Kristine Kristine.
Looks awesome.
Love it! You ought to be in bwof! Very cool looking vest!
Oh that looks fabulous! Tough Math Teacher - that made me laugh out loud!
Wowsa Kristine! You're one hot Mama in that vest! Good job!
I LOVE the back of the vest. Well, the front too but I love that center back part when the two fabrics come together in that line!
I like how it nips in at the waist--it's very flattering! Great job on the fit--you look mahvelous!
Rose in SV
Wow! That's really gorgeous... You look great!
That's a beautiful vest and you are definitely a rockin' biker chick!
Hot! I'm really impressed with the sewing skill it took to make this. Awesome job!
I'll bet your students think you are the coolest teacher ever!! I love the vest. The detail work is great! You could just wear it inside out as good as the inside looks!
That vest rocks! No one's calling you Becky Home Ec-y!
Looking hot! You've done a fabulous job on the vest.
Wow, Kenneth King would be so impressed with you! You look Dress-Code-Enforcer-Math Teacher/Biker Babe to me. Nice work, Kristine!
Holy crap! I love this! You are one hot biker babe! I'm a biker too in case you didn't know from my husband's biker attire at the PR fashion show. I forwarded the link to your post to him. Now he's probably going to want me to make my own vest too! Did you feel like Stella from Project Runway using the hammer on the "leatha"?? LOL :)
What a fantastic vest! Love the motorcycle photos!!!
Love the pics! Perfect.
You should be very proud of yourself! The construction is unbelieveable!!
oops. it was me above. wasn't signed in!
Great vest! Love the biker chick pics!
Love it, job well done
You're a total video vixen in those pics!
Don't you just love the way the older machines handle every fabric you throw at them? Non of this fuss-budgety stuff, just choose the right needle, thread and lightly adjust the tension.
Wonderful, wonderful project. Thanks for sharing
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