Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weightloss Wednesday: Confession Time

Thanks so much for all the compliments last week.  All of you cheering me on is really helping keep me on track, and I can't thank you enough for all your support!  There's another dress in the closet that I'm shooting for (wore it to my bridal shower in 1999), but it's still snug, so stay tuned...

I have to be truthful, DH says that I'm honest to a fault.  I really wanted to pretend like today was Tuesday and tomorrow was Thursday, but I just couldn't do it.  One of the reasons I decided to blog about my attempt at weightloss was to keep my honest with all of you, so I have to fess up today.  I was a bad, bad girl...
Last week I barely exercised at all.
Friday I ate coffee cake for breakfast.
The scale said I gained a pound and a half.

What happened? I was sick with a terrible cough/runny nose/cold.  Exercising was virtually impossible, and I sought comfort in some old favorites (like chocolate).  Mother Nature didn't help the effort, either.  Life happens, and the only thing I can do is get up, dust myself off, and start over.

Sunday I did 3 miles on the treadmill, and Monday I did 2 more.  Tuesday I rested, and today I did strength training and 1.5 miles.  I'm sore, but that's okay, because I've acquired that "I feel better when I exercise" thing. My setback put me back on the other side of the "halfway point", but I'm working on jumping over that line (again).  I can run for 10 minutes at a time now, which is something I could never do before.  Small victories add up, right?

We tried this Turkey Burger recipe this week, and it was AWESOME.  If you've never tried one, you will be pleasantly surprised! Great flavor, normal ingredients, and fast to cook!  We cooked them on the BBQ and the Foreman Grill, and both ways were delicious!  Our edited recipe eliminated the Kosher salt, used a regular white onion, and Frank's Red Hot.  So yummy!!!

So, hang in there and keep up the good work!  Thanks for keeping me honest!


Vicki said...

Don't beat yourself up - it is normal to have small relapses. You should be proud that you did not let it get the better of you. Well done!

KID, MD said...

It sounds like you are already back on the horse! That's great!! Keep it up!

amber said...

Those slip ups happen to all of us. It's normal and not something you should beat yourself up over. Does it help if I tell you I was a bottomless pit yesterday and just ate myself into oblivion? :)

I'm glad you're feeling better and that you're getting yourself back on track!

Bunny said...

Glad you were able to get back on track and that your nasty cold is in the past. That sure didn't help. Isn't it great when you learn that exercise and sweating really can feel good?

Anonymous said...

You know, even though you are trying to lose weight, you need to treat yourself (i.e coffee cake once in a while!). And hey, they say breakfast is the best time to indulge b/c you have the rest of the day to burn it off!

Keep up the good work, which includes a treat (and a break) now and then.

angie.a said...

Good for you! There will always be "bad days" or days when we throw in the towel. What really matters though is what you do the next day! That will make the difference. :)

Oh, and I had a chocolate shake from Braums today! My teacher's aide brought it to me (she doesn't know I'm doing WW) and I couldn't say no. Nor did I want to! haha!! Plus, I've got extra points banked up so I didn't even worry about it. I drank every bit! :P

Rosie1925 said...

After 50 years, I have come to the conclusion that, unlike men, who can say they weight 172 and can watch each pound, women have a 5 pound RANGE! If I say I weight 180, I really mean it's somewhere between 178 and 182, depending on the day of the month, etc. So don't boggle at each pound, but look at the bigger picture!

Heather said...

We love turkey burgers and just had them last night. I'll have to try this recipe sometime!