Not dresses, but cars. Remember, I live in the Motor City! (Read to the end, there's fabric, I swear!)
Every August, the Motor City holds a little something called "The Woodward Dream Cruise" (which we usually stay far, far away from because the traffic is ridiculous). But, it was a beautiful day, and we went early to beat the crowd, riding DH's motorcycle and admiring the view of 8 lanes of hundreds of classic cars.

Apparently, back in the good old days (before I was born), quite a good time was had by "cruising Woodward". This week's celebration brought out every decade, every model, from hot rods to tail-fins, from muscle cars to cool trucks. Miles and miles of vintage cars, all oldies but goodies!

But, don't think that this little jaunt was all for DH! Guess what's located not far from Woodward Avenue? HABERMAN FABRICS!!!
I picked up some necessary supplies for an exciting upcoming project...
(Which involves this lovely lambskin from Gorgeous Fabrics)

And this amazing brocade was begging to come home with me, so I agreed.
Slightly textured abstract stripes of black, white, cobalt, and purple. I think it beats the red/white J Crew skirt's butt!

The red/white striped fabric is still on the work able, waiting for the sewing Gods to bring some solution to light. Regardless, today sure was a lot of fun!
un blog genial:)
pasate por mi espacio: mamaartista.blogspot.com
Un beso
The cars weren't the only thing beautiful on Woodward Ave. Those fabrics are both TDF. Can't wait to see what develops from that inspiration!
This is So Awesome!! Wish I coulda been there!
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