She's alive! Alive!!!
Just long enough to hem my leather skirt, and rescue it from the sewing room! This school year has been FILLED to the brim, between the kids' activities and our own. Top it off with PAYING SEWING JOBS, and you've got a very, very, very busy Kristine, with no "fun sewing" time! Here's a quick update on my latest and greatest, which garnered many compliments today at work.
Simplicity 9825

I've had this pattern for years. It's the perfect pattern for leather, with a center front and center back seam. A little on the short side, so if I make it again, I'll likely add a couple inches of length.

Gorgeous Fabrics: 3 Lambskin skins and silk twill lining. The bump below the waistband below is just my shirt tucked in (was in a terrible hurry before work, and this pic just had to do).

I used an invisible zipper at the left side seam (rather than the back), and fusible tricot interfacing for the waistband. A leather needle and regular poly thread was used, along with my special "roller foot". Rather than glueing the hem, I decided to stitch it up, figuring that would make it more secure for the life of the garment.

I'm very happy with the final product, and beautiful leather skirt in a wonderfully wearable color. Adding some tights will carry me through the winter, and the leftover skin will make for great accents for future garments! If you're afraid to try leather, don't be! I saved a ton of money making this myself, and it really wasn't any more difficult than any other woven fabric.
Very impressive! Missed your blogs, but you are indeed very busy.
Love the skirt and you are looking great too!
Super cute, it looks great on you and for what its worth it doesn't look to short. Nice job.
Welcome back to sewing! You couldn't start with something simple, start with something fabulous!
PS. I love your hair.
Looking good! Good to see you again!
Great job. I'm glad you're alive, I was starting to wonder!
The skirt is fabulous!
Your post could not have been timed more perfectly as I was *just* thinking about you! I saw a post on Carolyn's blog about her latest lace dress, which led me to think about sewing with lace. This, then, led me to thinking about the types of lace available and finally recalling your lace dress from fabric you purchased at Haberman's. Then, I wondered how you were doing and was happy to see this post! I hope you're able to find some more time to sew for yourself!
You look great! Love the skirt
You look wonderful in that beautiful new skirt. Bravo!
Th skirt is great but you look fabulous with your thick blond tresses! Love the look!
Great job on the skirt - looks fabulous!
Gorgeous. You look fab, btw.
I say go shorter!
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